Anger Management
Supporting you to "Reset" ...

Anger Management Ipswich

Anger Management Ipswich – Anger is a natural response that we all have to our environment and to our situation, it is how we deal with this anger that affects us and the others around us. Generally, your anger is built up from underlying stresses and anxiety and dealing with this also helps to lessen the frequency that anger presents itself.

If your anger is affecting you or others around you it is time to deal with it – some markers of this include:

  • in common situations, you often feel agitated
  • your way is the only way and you see red if others don’t agree or don’t follow your way
  • you find that picking fights is commonplace
  • you have feelings of aggression towards others which may lead to making hurtful remarks towards others
  • throwing items or throwing punches becomes commonplace when you are dealing with your anger
  • you regularly deal with your anger by saying nothing – eg. giving the silent treatment or worse still regularly dealing with your anger with sarcasm
At Reset Psychology, we work with you and your triggers for your anger, supporting you to lessen the circumstances that anger happens – working to keep you less angry. We also build your skills and capacity to deal with your anger. Because your situation is not the same as others, your treatment will be different to everyone else, we build a program that is individualised for you – Your Anger Management Support Profile.

Phone us today or book a treatment and our team of fully trained psychologists will support you to “Reset” your anger.


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