Who sees a psychologist? I am guessing if you are reading this you are curious about who comes through our doors… well the short answer is – well YOU do… no, I don’t mean you directly, but people just like you. We see people of all ages, genders, races, religions, shapes and sizes. Because we are trained to help people through those times when life gets a little tough. And that can happen to any of us.
We definitely see people who may be having challenges with their mental health, most often these days anxiety, but also depression and stress and a whole range of presentations. But we don’t just see people with concerns about their mental health, we see people about work stress, relationship issues, moving out of home for the first time, children leaving home, dealing with horrible neighbours, horrible ex’s, horrible ex’s new partners, gambling, problem drinking, loneliness and isolation, coping with illness, coping with someone else’s illness…. I am hoping you get the picture….. we are here to support with all the little things that we call life, especially in those times where it is more challenging.
And no, we are not experts about all these things, we don’t know the specifics of your job, or what it’s like to have a horrible ex who has an equally horrible new partner. What we do know is how to help you find your way through these times. We know how to use evidenced based techniques that will help you find your own set of skills that will help you through your unique situation.
So if you are still reading I hope that this gives you a good idea of who comes through the doors of Reset Psychology – everyday people coping with everyday things, the big and the small of it all. And if you are still wondering if it’s for you – feel free to call and ask to chat to one of our psychologists – we are here to help.